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Village Office System
  •  Multi-user database system on a local network.

  • Maintain records of contacts, members, volunteers, members' service requests, commercial service providers, vendors and more.

  • Included City-State-Zip table makes initial data entry faster and easier

  • Assignment of a unique numeric ID# to each contact reduces subsequent data entry time and errors

  • Includes over 15 PDF forms for a typical village operation.

  • Unlimited number of records including contacts, members, volunteers, vendors and service providers in database at no additional cost.

  • Easy coordination between members and volunteers to accommodate service requests.

  • Automated email or text messages to volunteers to notify them of a new member request.

  • Automated email or text message reminders to volunteers of their accepted service requests.

  • Automated invoices and receipts for membership fees, as well as donation receipts.

  • Volunteer hours capture and reporting, with automated reminders to volunteers to provide their hours.

  • Volunteer hours reports by Volunteer or by Member, summary or detail.

  • Donations recordkeeping and reports, including acknowledgment receipts.

  • Hundreds of reports can be selected and produced in different sort sequences and criteria.

  • Produce self-adhesive labels and mailing envelopes, based on desired selection criteria.

  • Use selection criteria to produce an email to only those desired.

  • Easy transfer of database to a laptop or Windows tablet computer for mobile use.

  • Continuous Improvement Program for new enhancements and reports using suggestions from users.

  • ...and Much More!

  •  See VOS Sales Flyer for more information

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